As mentioned in the Create a DigitalOcean Server section. You have the option of using our pre-configured Docker database image directly on the droplet you created. Or, you can instead create a DigitalOcean Managed Database to store your application data.
The choice is going to come down to the type and criticality of the data you are working with. If you are planning on building a data intensive application with sensitive and important data, then we recommend you get a separate managed database. However, if you are building an application which is more static in nature and with much less dependency on it's stored data, you should be fine with our pre-configured image.
Create your Managed Database
To get started, access your DigitalOcean dashboard, and find the 'Create > Databases' option. You'll be presented with some options, which we will work through step-by-step below.
Choose an Engine
First, you'll need to choose a database engine type. Django can work with both PostgreSQL and MySQL, but we recommend you go with Postgres. And as far as the version is concerned, Postgres 12 is fine.
Choose a Cluster Configuration
Next, you need to select a cluster configuration. First, the node plan. You'll want to select a node size which has adequate volume for the data you intend to store. Don't use compressed flat files as a reference either. The indexed data will take up greater volume on disk once it hits your Postgres instance.
Then for standby nodes. You'll again need to consider your application needs, but if up-time and performance resilience are high on your priority list, then feel free to grab a standby node. DigitalOcean will use this to keep a replication of your datastore and automatically manage and handovers during downtime events.
Choose a Region
Finally, you'll need to select a region for your database. Try and stick to the same region where your droplet was created, as you'll be able to locate both resources on the same VPC. Which will make access simpler in the future.
Finalize the Database
You are ready to finalize the creation of your database. Once it has been provisioned, we recommend you find it via the 'Databases' menu on the DigitalOcean control panel. There, you should find a 'Getting Started' page, which will walk you through next steps.
Use this section to limit your trusted sources to your personal IP address, as well as the address of your droplet. And also take note of the connection details.