Create your Production Environment
In order to deploy your DjangoMango product, you need access to a production server and may even want a managed database, storage space, and domain. Never fear, we are hear to help.
Last updated
In order to deploy your DjangoMango product, you need access to a production server and may even want a managed database, storage space, and domain. Never fear, we are hear to help.
Last updated
Here at DjangoMano, we love deploying our web applications via DigitalOcean. They offer reliable hosting, built on a powerful platform, and at a great price point. Of course, you don't need to use DigitalOcean for any of our products. There are other great alternatives such as Heroku. But if you are new to this and want to make use of our docs, then we would highly recommend you try out DigitalOcean.
Your DjangoMango project is running on your local machine for development. But now it's time to get access to a remote server so that others can see your work in production.
After you have created your droplet, you'll need to access it, set it up, and push your application files so that others can consume them.
Our docker configurations will automatically create a file-based database on the server you deploy to. But those running data intense applications may want a separate managed database instead.
Django is a fantastic in almost all respects. But it isn't optimized for serving media content. If you plan on serving large media files through your application, consider creating a storage space.
Home stretch. You have your server, and if needed, you have created a separate database and storage space. Now it's time to point your domain so people can browse to the your site.